why homestuck is problematic

why homestuck is problematicwhy homestuck is problematic

Fanfiction that places Dirk and Kanaya in heterosexual pairings. We apologize for this Hearing that person use the word r*****ation made me so uncomfortable because r**ard is a slur and shouldnt be used no matter what. OK, but how is that racist? If I release a book full of just Nazi shit but end it by saying "BTW these aren't my views I was writing as a character lol" I can't use that to cover my ass for writing a book full of Nazi shit. Technically, a lack of masking is a presentation issue a sign that a theater no longer cares but it can lead to projection problems, too. Every single one of those tags appears somewhere in the story, including but not limited to: unhealthy relationships, graphic depictions of violence, transphobia, rape, major character death, and (may God help us all) eggs. It would not be possible because the investment we'd have to make would be significant and the return shaky, because there is such a burgeoning fan market for hand-made horns. Calliope and Dirk at times fight for control of the narrative, Dirk engineering the story to fit his purposes, and Calliope trying her best to let events play out as they would naturally. The lesson here is that an abuse victim needed to learn to take life into their own hands sooner. Moreover, it occurs over and over again, too. I don't think writing off Hussie as a person for his work is at all fair. He didnt complete a draft until just a day before the first Black Lives Matter protests prompted by the murder of George Floyd at the hands of police officers in Minneapolis, Minnesota. But each one is again key to understanding the story being told, fully integrated into comic. Perhaps the epilogues are an attempt to have the reader live a moment in the life of Andrew Hussie. Just more things: more plot, more dialogue, more mechanics, more characters, more questions, on and on and on and on until it just runs out of breath and falls over. Volume 18 comes with a developer warning, showing fully that theyre aware of how fucked up this is. Sometimes it is presented as pretty damn funny, but it's blacker-than-spades humour. Maybe you watched a lot of Naruto, so your big project is filled to the brim with edgy ninjas and impractically sized swords. But then again, being straight is also like a fetish to trolls. Sure, each panel is a webpage connected by links, but almost every panel only has one link, and thats to the next panel. While many people inside the Homestuck fandom thought this was an excellent and humorous reward (especially considering they got all the other rewards below it as well) people outside of the comic fandom didn't get the joke and thought it was an example of Hussie being and egomanical jerk. It's a silly argument but it exists nonetheless. This process, known as review-bombing, has been used for both good and bad causes. This is just a single example of how bootleg items (because yes, even if they're being made with love and sold with respect for the original creator, they are bootleg items) can directly influence a small business' decisions and bottom line. But Homestuck wouldnt be Homestuck if not for Hussies tendency to add more when in doubt, so here we are. Take later. Some may argue that this forces the comic to be perpetually out of date, but Id argue the opposite. Theres even a page that compels the reader to take selfies and post them on social media. Wi-Fi 6E is the latest Wi-Fi technology that provides faster speeds, lower latency, and improved overall network performance. Even if you make the argument that karkat and vriska are technically adults now, we only saw that in the epilogue. At its peak, the comic entertained roughly 600,000 readers a day, and inspired one of the most robust cult followings of a generation fans filled convention floors with cosplays of the characters and filled online forums and websites like Tumblr full of fan art. Hell no. How can any story even get written then? This applies to the treatment of Mituna, who due to the overexertion of his psychic powers received brain damage that altered his personality. Problem Sleuth Office Print. I dont know what to say or think about any of this at this point. N/A. What video games and movies dont depict correctly is the insane recoil automatic fire causes. In both the SFW and NSFW route, there was no mention of him being trans. Perhaps youll click the first. With the end of Adobe Flash on the horizon, hours of Flash content, much of it interactive, is going to have to be scrapped and remade. 13. Im going to pretend that sentence made sense, youre going to pretend I didnt just gloss over a ton of story development right there, and were all just going to move on. So naturally I made a post "complaining" about how there were more people complaining about how there were more people complaining about people complaining about the Caucasian thing than there were people complaining about the Caucasian thing than there were people complaining about people complaining about the Caucasian thing. WebAndrew Hussie (born August 25, 1979) is an American author and artist. Homestuck actually so sensitive to changes in the Internet that continuing the site as intended has proved to be somewhat of a challenge. The [Online Poisoned] often even joke with self awareness about their bad internet habits, but [they] just keep doing it, Hussie said. #homestuck . Written and directed by two white creators, "The Help" serves as a classic example of "white savior" tropes in Hollywood. But theyre also very upsetting in general. In this passage, the narrator (or author, Andrew Hussie) describes Tavross experiences in the game. Regardless, the intense gaze of the man in the thumbnail dares you to go on and see what the hell this is all about. Im not even going to get into their relentless support of ikimaru, the terrible treatment and handling of canonically gay characters, the overall grossness of the quadrant system, Another epilogue has been released as an official fanfiction, some of the tags are jokes, some are not, and im personally not at all interested in finding out which is real and which arent. Homestuck feels like a glorified, expensive, vaguely ornery version of my childhood game. The mock content warnings that show up at the beginning of the epilogues are not mock anything and i think its mostly to do with homestucks treatment of femininity vs masculinity in a way that is not typically done Im not sure how much there is thats truly positive about those things, but there is plenty which is negative. Hussie didn't make John and Karkat et al drop the r word to say anything about them, that's just a word he himself used to use, so his characters did too. I don't really care and didn't know about this before I skimmed this but you seriously didn't notice Meenah and HIC talked stereotypically black? I still maintain that any album with a song entitled Pumpkin Party in Sea Hitlers Water Apocalypse is a good album by default on principle now and forever. In some ways this was prompted Hussie took fan input while writing the original story and incorporated it into the final product. It's not Hussie approving of such activities. Wwwwowwwwwww. That having been said Alternia, at least to me, was supposed to be some kind of dark joke about society; I mean their Jesus upon the moment of his crucifixion started cursing everyone out because they're just so shitty. Energy transfers to keep her alive are sexual now, I guess You get assaulted by a lot of trolls. You can't tell just from what karkat said. (Talking about sniffing Marvus) So, we are kinkshaming now? 36.87%. Although dogfighting is a felony in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, it continues to occur in every part of the country and in every type of community. Chances are Hussie changed it in part because he wasn't really feeling the joke in the first place. But Im not really sure Ive got much of a lowdown to give. Yet hes made multiple, incredibly racist characters that are heavily based on disgusting caricatures and stereotypes. Originally the Black Queen of the trolls' incipisphere, after exile to Alternia and took the title of Banished Quasiroyal. But how much is that purpose worth? Set aside time just as you would for reading every novel, but be prepared to set aside much more of it. For the Beta Kids, it's Jade, for the Trolls it's Vriska, and for the Alpha kids it's Dirk. A quick search on Reddit reveals dozens of threads discussing questions like What happened to andrew hussie? and other posts tracking the creators activity on social media platforms like Tumblr. why are you playing with those dangerous girls?". true wait, what? In case you don't know what I am talking about: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ojLmFm-WUrCZ7fXALowpiAW7jklCfq14n0Zz1ECdsX0/mobilebasic, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z_pA2pfbnyXjxMx4PZm_LNbRSO3cZuZJ2jOOD1RpE0o/edit. And in this one Mituna himself just kind of sexually harrasses Meenah. Habitat for Humanity calls this sweat equity, which is a required part of the program participants must gain hundreds of hours of volunteer work by helping build homes. I tend prefer Jade when she has as at least milligram of agency, but, again, sorry I liked her in the first place, I guess. So its not that Im saying fandom is all bad, instead Id just say that the appearance of anything positive about fandom should be treated with suspicion, and as if it could become destructive at any moment for any reason. Hussie said he returned to the 140,000 word long draft, cut the story in half, and tried to make it feel like something legitimately worth reading to anyone who crossed the full span of 2020s madness.. Please keep in mind, the characters of friendsim are all minors. Brown, who has worked with survivors of sexual assault as a therapist and social worker, believes that the movie glorifies " predatory behavior." And yes, they were still in a black romance together) until like Act 6 when John starts feeling black feelings towards Terezi and suddenly it's much more wholesome than literally any other example we'd seen until then. WebHomestuck tends to congregate in large groups that can cause problems at conventions. We are currently experiencing a system-wide issue with a delay on all activations. OK, so who cares how old they were when they died? A disruption in narrative events. Cyberduds. Maybe the epilogues are in part supposed to make us feel what its like to have to balance plot-driven meat with fluffy, character-driven candy and, even after years of practice, to still feel like youve come up short. She spends extra time on characters feelings and their conversations with each other, much to the annoyance of Dirk. Homestuck has never shied away from cartoonish gore and bloodshed before, but ironically, what the epilogues lack in pictures they make up for in graphic content. Is it a bad joke? I can only say that theyre interesting to consider if you happened to have read them. SBaHJ is hailed as hilarious by being so INTENTIONALLY awful. ya. Small business owner, political organizer, and professional writer based in the Puget Sound area. And then it turns out the game is like a universe reproductive system, with the win state being to make a new universe. By the end of both epilogues, Rose, Dave, and Dirk ascend to their Ultimate Selves. Maybe they exist in a doomed timeline, or as a ghost, or in an offshoot reality that got retconned and is no longer relevant. I thought we were more on the page of "Hussie is terrible because of recent incidents like the released emails between the moderation team and him", Man like almost every single criticism this person presents can be explained away with one of 3 responses. Both options ultimately leave someone somewhere dissatisfied. In Candy, shes this pushy, horny, clueless woman with alarmingly dubious ideas surrounding consent, who pushes her friends away and pressures Dave in marrying her, preventing him from living out the fact that hes gay. His use of a wheelchair, for example, is frequently exploited as a weakness to make fun of. Hussies apprehension of fandom and the wild projections that come with presiding over one seem appropriate given how public comments on his work ignite controversy within the fandom. The comics before Homestuck, particularly Problem Sleuth, were largely based on community inputs, and I believe certain parts of Homesutck initially were as well (this was before my time). On the damn writing team. (not sure on the proper wording for this, if theres better wording let me know and ill change it) As a result of his accident, he is constantly babyed or harassed by other characters.

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why homestuck is problematic

why homestuck is problematic