is lemon cypress toxic to cats

is lemon cypress toxic to catsis lemon cypress toxic to cats

But the good thing is that roses are not harmful to cats. As it turns out, there is no definitive answer. While Monterey Cypress may be a good choice for your garden, it is important to know if Monterey Cypress is toxic to cats before you plant them around your home. Even if you have no intention of eating it yourself. Weekly watering and low-maintenance pruning are all that are needed. While some sources say they can grow up to 30 feet tall, Gardening Know-How says there is a dwarf version of the plant that only reaches up to three feet tall. When planted outside, be sure to place your lemon cypress tree where the sun reaches it the most, provided with partial shade; it won't last long in a complete veil. The tree contains a substance called cypressene, which is toxic to felines. That being said, the sap that this tree possesses is capable of causing your cats stomach to become upset as well as its skin to become irritated. And here i will briefly explain you about is cypress toxic to cats? (No & What if they already ate? Again, regulate its water intake. Of the many cypress tree varieties, the lemon cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) is a classic presentation of the coniferous evergreen tree, as noted byBetter Homes & Gardens. Bergamot. Cats are naturally curious creatures and will often investigate anything that catches their eye or piques their interest. In a nutshell, yes. Its really unfortunate for the snake plant to being toxic to cats, because theyre so great for air purification. The same goes for other toxic compounds: dilute to 20 percent for ketones, 15 percent for d-limonene and 15 percent for pinene. Cats absorb oils that are directly in contact with their skin. So, no,, Read More Can Cats Eat Hummus? Cedar-wood essential oil - Since it does not contain phenols, this oil is safe for your cat. Learn More: What to do for cats with a cold? The most common symptom of citrus poisoning in cats is vomiting. Most of a lemon tree's essential oils are found in the fruit's skin, according to Purdue Agriculture, although the flowers contain oil glands also. They emit a fresh, lemon citrus fragrance when caressed or crushed in your hands. Other symptoms may include diarrhea, drooling, and weakness. The cypress tree has needle like leaves that can cause a range of symptoms in your cat. It's fine to plant multiple cuttings next to each other in the same grow pot. May I sound like a broken record, but if you have cats, its best to avoid planting cypress trees. This includes flea collars, sprays, and dips. 8. If you suspect your cat has eaten any part of a lemon cypress tree, it is vital to seek professional medical attention straight away. Most of us have plants in our houses, so we should know what plants or trees are toxic to cats and we should keep our cats away from those plants. Keep reading the article to learn more about how to keep your feline safe and to find out about cypress trees and cats. I hope after reading the article now you can keep your cat safe and now you know the answer of Is Cypress Toxic To Cats? When ingested, lemon cypress can cause a variety of symptoms including vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and lethargy. Citrus oils are usually found in products marketed for pest control. Monterey Cypress is not toxic to cats according to the ASPCA. The flesh is acidic and tangy, with a seed in the center. What kind of pot should you use? Essential oils that are known to cause poisoning in cats include oil of wintergreen, oil of sweet birch, citrus oil (d-limonene), pine oils, Ylang Ylang oil, peppermint oil, cinnamon oil, pennyroyal oil, clove oil, eucalyptus oil, and tea tree oil. Finding the right houseplant for your home can be tricky when you have a cat. According to Gardening Know How, it is not wise to "winterize" a lemon cypress tree; a good time of year to repot is just before the winter. Lemon cypress is a common houseplant that is toxic to cats. Although lemon cypress is considered non-poisonous inside the home, it's important to note that most cypresses are not edible, according to SFGate. If the cat ingests a large amount of oil, the symptoms may be more severe and include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and lack of appetite. While hydrosols are safer for use on human skin since they do not have to be diluted, they still are dangerous for cats and other pets. For more extensive lists of plants poisonous to cats, please visit: The ingestion of any part of any type of lily can lead to kidney failure. Lemon cypress (Citrus aurantium) is a hybrid citrus tree with a quick growth rate. Sandalwood. Lemon cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) is a beautiful, evergreen tree that is often used as an ornamental plant. Read our. Learn More: How to make your cat a lap cat? From towering columns to petite, dwarf planters, cypress trees possess a lovely stature and are easily adaptable in several parts of the United States and Europe. Knocked over by cat? Lemon Scientific Name: Citrus limonia Family: Rutaceae Toxicity: Toxic to Dogs, Toxic to Cats, Toxic to Horses Toxic Principles: Essential oils and psoralens Clinical Signs: Vomiting, diarrhea, depression; potential dermatitis. ASPCA: Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List for Cats. (Yes, They Can & How Much? Cardinal climber, Cypress vine, Heavenly Blue, Madame Ann, 'Red Fox', Saltmarsh Morning glory, Sweet potato vine, Wild sweet potato vine Tags: #purple #poisonous #full sun tolerant #annuals #white flowers #pink flowers #fall interest #vines #summer flowers #wildflower garden #problem for cats #problem for dogs #problem for horses As such, it is important that cats be kept away from European Cypress trees and . Essential oil and aromatherapy diffusers, candles, liquid potpourri products, and room sprays are sources of airborne essential oils that cats can inhale which leads to respiratory irritation. No, cypress is not toxic to cats. Cypress trees, for example, are often sought after for their attractive foliage and pleasant fragrance. No problem. Most cases involve only vomiting and diarrhea, but there is still the chance of more severe reactions depending on the plant and how much of it was eaten by your cat. Maybe cats nibble on plants for nutrients just to check plant taste. If the lemon tree was processed into juice or pellets, you can mix them with water and give them to the cat orally. That made me wondering are lemons really poisonous to cats or just some parts like the peel or the seeds? How to Keep Your Cat Safe Near Cypress Trees? The leaves are glossy and bright green, with a lemon-like smell. Nonetheless, you should always be aware of toxic plants to cats in order to prevent any future issues in and around the home so you can keep your feline friends healthy and safe. A bigger perk is their durability. Treatment will typically consist of symptomatic and supportive care. Home - Cat Care - Cat Questions - Which plants are toxic to cats? And the good thing about this plant is that it doesnt need rich soil to prosper. While cypress may be poisonous to some animals, there is no evidence that it is universally harmful. Per the University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, cypress bark beetles can be hazardous to a tree already suffering from drought damage. These essential oils are the cat's meow. 2023 Captivating Theme by Restored 316. If you believe that your cat has ingested or come in contact with essential oils or liquid potpourri, call your veterinarian or Pet Poison Helpline (800-213-6680), a 24/7 animal poison control center, immediately. Ingestion of cypressin can lead to vomiting, difficulty breathing, increased heart rate and even death if left untreated. As they grow, she circulates them with ease from outdoor to indoor and vice-versa. The cat will be monitored closely for liver damage and may require specialized treatment if the liver is affected. The leaves of the snake plant contain saponins and other irritants that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, tremors and depression. There are some plants which are toxic to cats and these plants can lead cats to serious health issues. There are a few things you can do to prevent your cat from ingesting lemon cypress oil. In addition, the sharp needles of the cypress tree can cause cuts and punctures. If you must use these products, make sure to keep your cat away from them. If you suspect your cat has eaten any amount of this plant and is displaying symptoms, contact your veterinarian for treatment advice. It is frequently used as an ornamental tree in landscaping. Wherever you decide, your top priority should be to provide it with plenty of sunlight and water. But while they may be beautiful to look at, cypress trees can actually be dangerous for cats. As long as you dont let your cat eat the leaves or flowers, there is no toxicity risk to your feline friend. Toxic compounds in the lemon include linalool and limonene, along with psoralens. If your cat is showing any of these signs, it is important to seek veterinary care immediately as they could indicate a more serious condition. And if you think your cat has ingested any oil from the plant, call your veterinarian immediately. The following plants are the most toxic to dogs and should never be made available to them under any circumstances: Castor bean or castor oil plant ( Ricinus communis) Cyclamen ( Cylamen spp.) While the essential oils in lemon cypress can be beneficial to humans, they can be toxic to cats. The tree is drought tolerant and does not require much maintenance. Can changing cat litter brand make cat sick? Yes, citrus seeds are poisonous to cats. Lemon cypress is a common houseplant that is safe for cats. Lemon cypress tree seeds can germinate for up to three months, so patience will be key as you wait to see the sprouts appear above the soil. Sometimes cats eat moss and its very important for every cat owner to be well aware of is it bad for cats to eat moss? Treatment for a cat that has ingested lemon cypress oil will typically be supportive care. Cats are carnivores, not herbivores so try by no means not to feed your cat plants. Learn More: What is the purpose of deworming cats? However, my sister is very particular about what she lets her cat eat. Your email address will not be published. However, even a small amount of lemon cypress can be toxic to a cat so it is best to err on the side of caution and avoid letting your cat have any access to this tree. Is lemon cypress poisonous to pets? Second, don't use products that contain lemon cypress oil around your cat. Finally, you'll see other varieties of cypress trees residing in parks or large yards, as they are too large to grow in home gardens. However, the plant does contain a saponin called cypressene, which can cause an upset stomach if ingested in large quantities. This will encourage its growth and retain the plant's vitality. It seems to be very useful as a natural pest repellent in homes to ward off insects. Lemon contain essential oils and toxic compounds and elements that are not tolerated by the cat's body. Wednesday - August 15, 2012. Most cats are attracted to the lemon cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) for its strong citrus scent. Uh everything Ive ever read about cats say that they are deterred by citrus scentsnot attracted to them. The leaves of the lemon cypress are dark green and have a lemon-scented aroma. In short, yes, yew trees are toxic to cats as they are to almost all other animals and species, including humans. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. However, the level of toxicity when it comes to cats and cypress trees can vary depending on the type of cypress trees. Lemon cypress oil is used in aromatherapy and has many health benefits. As a Chewy affiliate, I earn commissions for qualifying purchases. Also, keep in mind that symptoms will vary from cat to cat, depending on their size and the parts or quantities of the plant ingested. When ingested by a cat, limonene can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and liver damage. If the cat only ingested a small amount of oil, the symptoms may be mild and self-limiting. When a cat accidentally eats something toxic its never fun. Next: Octopus tree. The most dangerous compounds are limonene, linalool, and psoralen. ), Can Cats Eat Graham Crackers? Although all conifers, including cypress, contain small amounts of toxic oils, these oils generally cause only gastrointestinal upset in cats if ingested. Theyll be able to give you the most up-to-date and accurate information. Laura LeBoutillier of Garden Answer likes to repot her lemon cypress every few years while using an organic potting mix. Full author bio Symptoms from eating this plant include vomiting and diarrhea. You have to keep your cat and plants both safe because the cat can eat your plants and plants can be harmful to your cat if she ingests them. Toxicity can occur very quickly or over a longer period of exposure. This can get them into a lot of trouble, as there are many houseplants that are poisonous to cats. The lemon cedar, also called lemon cypress, Monterey cypress, goldcrest, and occasionally lemon pine, is an evergreen tree belonging to the conifers. If your cat has ingested some yew tree foliage, then it is recommended that you immediately go to a veterinarian or contact a poison hotline that works 24 hours a day. Yes, even indoor cats can get into trouble. She is certified as a Fear Free doctor. If left untreated, your cat could go into kidney failure. Lemon cypress can help purify the air in your home, and it can make a great addition to an indoor garden. In this blog post Ill be discuss are cypress tree safe for your cat, what are the risks associated with ingestion, and what to do if your cat does eat cypress. Black Cat With White Undercoat: How Rare Are Smoke Black Cats? These drugs are harmless for people, but in excessive doses, they may be hazardous to dogs. Related Article:Are Pussy Willows Toxic to Cats? Lemongrass essential oil - You can find in the form of a 100% non-alcoholic hydrosol. )Continue, Who would have thought that the simple graham cracker would cause such a stir? You should always consult with your veterinarian for any medical needs or concerns about your pet's health. Lemon cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) is a type of evergreen tree that is native to California. The sap of this tree can cause skin irritation and the resin can cause vomiting and stomach upset if ingested. She is a professional member of the Cat Writers' Association, won the prestigious PurinaOne Health Award for her writing. The oil is known to boost the immune system, relieve stress, reduce anxiety, and promote restful sleep. The tree grows to a height of 40-60 feet and has a lifespan of 100 years or more. It makes them very sick. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! Gardening Know How suggests getting the plant into the earth while the soil increases in temperature in spring. Clove. According to ASPCA (the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), the Monterey cypress is not poisonous to cats. As shown above, the seed pods of a lemon cypress tree start green, then dry out, become brown, and crack open. Here are some of the most common plants poisonous to cats with mild symptoms: Some plants result in more severe poisoning. That being said, we do have to warn you. If these methods arent right for your home, weve found that some people have success training their cats to stay away from plants. Lemon Cypress Tree Toxic to Cats or Dogs. Cypress trees are listed as non-toxic by California Poison Control. Once your cat has recovered, take steps to prevent them from eating cypress tree again. The autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale), also known as meadow saffron or naked lady, is a common ornamental flowering plant that blooms in the fall. Are cypress trees poisonous to cats? 2 Tulips The liver is most often the organ which is affected by essential oils. They bore into twigs along the branches until they were hollow and fell off. This includes perfumes, cosmetics, and cleaning products. At first, you might see resin deposits on the bark. These include: Severely toxic plants can include any of the following: With any of these above severely poisonous plants for cats, dont wait for major symptoms to appear. However, it is considered to be toxic as its related to the yew tree. Moreover, these oils can damage cat liver or may lead to serious health issues. Lemon cypress is non-toxic to cats and if you have a cat in your house, then its better if you have a lemon cypress tree in your house. Tea tree. There are numerous plants that are poisonous to cats. )Continue, A cat is a very finicky creature, and can be difficult to please. 2023 Gardening Know How, Future US LLC, Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036. Lemon cypress is toxic to cats. Symptoms of lemon cypress poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, lethargy, weakness, tremors, and seizures. Lemon cypress oil is poisonous to cats. However, the saponin found in the tree can be harmful to cats if ingested in large quantities. If you have a cypress tree on your property, take steps to keep your cat safe. Even though there are no known reports of toxicity, it is related to other plants that cause poisoning, such as the yew tree. Not only cypress, there are many other plants that are toxic to cats. You want something beautiful and hardy, but you dont want to accidentally poison your furry friend. It seems like such an innocuous little snack, but it turns out that not everyone is convinced that its safe for our feline friends. Read more articles about Environmental Problems. All information published on this website is provided in good faith and for general use only. There are a few different possible symptoms of toxicity if a cat ingests lemon cypress. Pesticides are not recommended for either the moths or the beetles. Do Natural Flea and Tick Preventatives for Dogs Work? Despite its name, lemon cypress is not related to the lemon fruit. However, you should still keep an eye out if your cat starts to put the leaves in his mouth or fuss around with this tree. After the first year, water whenever the soil is dry. In severe cases, it can lead to liver damage and death. Your kitty will be just fine around Lemon Cyprus. By autumn, your cuttings should become rooted, which means they're ready to be transplanted into larger containers or the ground. Passive reed diffusers or potpourri pots can be knocked over, exposing your cat to the oil-containing liquid which can be ingested or absorbed on it's skin or fur with contact. Franny Syufy is a cat expert with over two decades of experience writing about feline anatomy and medical conditions. Inland trees become susceptible to a fungus known commonly as cypress canker or coryneum canker, per the University of California Agriculture and Resources Department. Dave's Garden suggests covering them with a layer of wet newspaper to retain moisture. If so, you may be wondering what plants are safe for cats. Once they break open, you can remove the smaller seeds and plant them as new trees. Goldcrest Lemon Cypress Bonsai - Cupressus - Aromatic Needles - Indoors or Out Source 10 Household Plants That Are Dangerous to Dogs and Cats Source Monterey Cypress, Lemon Cypress . Basil. According toThe Spruce, these hardy trees are accustomed to soil conditions that are less than ideal. The reason citrus scents tend to repel cats is that theyre associated with predator smells. In spring, it's time to feed the tree. How Often to Water Fiddle Leaf Fig? Although the lemon cypress is not toxic to cats, it can cause gastrointestinal upset if ingested in large quantities. Hello, My husband has received a holiday plant at his office today, and I wanted to check as I'm not sure if it's safe for kitties or not. I know this isnt the most aesthetically pleasing solution, but it will keep your cat safe. 2. Some plants that are not safe for cats include. Charming in size, dwarf lemon cypress trees generally grow only up to 3 feet tall. Completely non-toxic, the petite peperomia wins the prize for awesomest leaves. One such item is lemon cypress. While cats eating poisonous plants can be very serious, its very rarely fatal. Dr. Tarantino is part of The Spruce Pets' Veterinary Review Board. Drywall dust can be toxic to cats, but it depends on the type of drywall and the amount of dust that is present. Since there are so many plants toxic to cats, Ive chosen to split them into groups of the most common poisonous plants having mild, moderate, or severe effects. If your cat ingests lemon cypress, it is important to monitor them for signs of gastrointestinal upset and contact your veterinarian if they develop. Wood preservatives. Read more We are not vets, and neither are we certified animal behaviorists. As it continues to grow, you may find yourself in need of a larger container. Firstly, the lemon scent may be too strong for the cat and cause it to sneeze or have a runny nose. Lemon cypress trees will be content placed in a pot, vase, or other sizeable containers. Being a cat parent is hard work! If you know that your cat has eaten a cypress tree or any other plant that is toxic to her, talk to your vet or immediately take her to an animals hospital. But if theyre near a cypress tree then you instantly become nervous. In more serious cases, your cat may need to be hospitalized and given IV fluids. Lemon Cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) is an evergreen tree native to California. The plastic retains heat and moisture, and the space created by the bark chips underneath the grow pots allows the seedlings to be watered from the bottom by refilling the tray. So how much lemon cypress does it take to cause toxicity in a cat? The last compound is phototoxic, meaning it can cause your cat to suffer skin burns after exposure to sunlight. But they also do a lot of things, including nibble on plants. In the wild, when a cat encounters a lemon or lime scent, its likely coming from another animal that could pose a threat. However, certain varieties of succulents can be harmful to cats and dogs like Aloe Vera, Jade Plants and Snake Plants to name a few. Essential oils that are toxic/NOT recommended for use with cats: Cassia Cinnamon Clove Eucalyptus Lemon Lavender Peppermint Spruce Tea Tree Thyme Some pet owners may be interested in trying essential oils with other furry friends so this is another helpful essential oils guide for animals in general below. Before planting a hedge, you should check whether the plants are toxic to cats. The oils should be heavily diluted to avoid concentrations that are toxic. When it comes to vets who support the "essential oil for felines" movement, there are 5 essential oils that, once diluted, make good products to try on your cat-remembering always to use natural and not synthetic versions of these oils. Cypress trees are listed as non-toxic. Experts at Gardenerdy agree that people with sensitive skin should be careful when touching the lemon cypress's foliage, as it may cause some skin irritation for those with sensitive skin. No, a European cypress is not poisonous to cats. Some may experience a more severe reaction to Lemongrass oil than another pet as cats have an uncanny knack for getting into things they shouldn . I always thought it was strange that he would be so drawn to me when I, Read More Do Cats Know When You are Sick? Thrown to floor by dog? Learn how to create a happy, healthy home for your pet. Yes, even if ingested by your cat. It's not a secret cats and dogs can act like a hot mess, so this is a quality pet-owners appreciate in plants. Ingestion can cause cardiac failure and even death. So, whats the truth? There are several types of cypress trees that can be poisonous to cats. On average, they grow tall, between 40 to 70 feet, reaching up to 130 feet. In addition to the essential oils that you buy individually, they often appear in other household products such as paint thinner (turpentine is an essential oil) and insect repellent, which has a high risk of fatal reactions for cats, noted . What to Do If Your Cat Eats Cypress Tree? These guys are troopers. | Find Out Here. Learn More: Can changing cat litter brand make cat sick? If you cant fence off the tree, consider covering it with a net or tarp. Regarding watering your lemon cypress, LeBoutillier also notes to keep the soil "not too soggy or wet and not ever dried out." Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Can Cats Drink Lemonade? The water can hold on to residual matter from the plants that can be toxic if ingested or even inhaled. While some Cypress trees are not poisonous to cats, there are still many others that are toxic. Learn More: How to get free cat food in battle cats? Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List - Cats | ASPCA, Long-Term Effects of Toxic Mold Exposure | MoldGone, Are Cypress Trees Toxic To Cats? Banana. Lemon cypress is a houseplant that is both kid and pet friendly. The toxicity of lemon cypress is due to a number of compounds, including essential oils, d-limonene, camphor, and linalool. Citrus trees are not poisonous to cats, but they may be tempted to nibble on the leaves if the tree is container-grown and the leaves are easily reachable. Yes, the European Cypress is poisonous to cats. Here Ill provide some tips for what to do if your cat unfortunately ingests cypress tree. We try our best to keep things fair and balanced, in order to help you make the best choices for your pet. Oils used improperly can also lead to changes in behavior, adverse central nervous system effects, and respiratory problems all of which can be serious. (Simple & Easy Process). Leaving the cap secure at the top, they slide one of these makeshift plastic coverings over each grow pot. If your cat has any liver impairment, it may be best to eliminate these products from your cat's environment. How, Read More How to Make Pancakes for Cats? All the information we provide on this site is derived solely from personal observation and experience. If your cat ingests the leaves of the Leyland cypress, then you should consult a vet immediately, as it can have severe and even fatal consequences. Generally, sunflowers are non-toxic to cats, but according to veterinarians, veterinarians say that if cats ingest. Elbowed accidently by human? Exposure can lead to serious liver damage, liver failure, seizures, or even death for cats. Theres been a lot of debate lately about whether or not cypress is toxic to other animals. If your cat does eat a large quantity of cypress, monitor them for vomiting or diarrhea and contact your veterinarian if they exhibit any concerning symptoms. Rosemary. (A Vets Suggestions), Can Cats Eat Hummus? When it comes to toxic and poisonous plants, not all pets experience the same effects from unauthorized nibbling.For example, while a day lily may not affect a dog, a curious cat can suffer from vomiting, kidney failure, or even death after ingesting the common garden plant. Overall, it's a good idea to avoid consuming the foliage of any cypress tree plant. There is no precise answer as it depends on the size and health of the cat as well as the amount of lemon cypress ingested. Plus, it may kill adult fleas, which will help you get rid of these horrible creatures without using chemicals. Moreover, heather is a hard plant and heather flourishes all the year. Even if your cat is not showing any symptoms after ingesting the plant, you should still contact your veterinarian immediately. The oils in the lemon cypress can also be used to help repel fleas. There are many more plants which can be harmful but those 15 are the most common ones. The National Capital Poison Center noted: "The amounts [of tree water] usually consumed by children, cats, and dogs are not poisonous. And if the cat eats cypress, it can be toxic to her, it can lead your cat to various serious health issues. You should keep your cat away from plants that are toxic to them. (A Vets Suggestions)Continue, My sisters cat, Lulu, loves to eat anything and everything. (How & Which Illness? And u se even more caution with the following essential oils, which should be diluted down to 5 percent concentration before use: Basil. You can also remove any dead parts of the plant, then cut the branches to acquire a shape if desired. Many garden plants can be dangerous. Doing so will provide the new system of roots with ample time to grow prior to the onset of winter. Don't wear aromatherapy jewelry when you are around your cat. The pollen alone can be lethal to your feline friend. Symptoms of Norfolk Island Pine Poisoning in Cats Norfolk Island Pine poisoning in cats causes clinical signs of: Anorexia Diarrhea Vomiting Contact dermatitis. You want to just cover the roots up to the point where the trunk shoots out. Cats and dogs won't be bothered by the lemony scent either, but depending upon the animal, be mindful of them potentially eating the small cones. Interesting Read: Are Pine Trees Toxic To Cats? The Spruce Pets uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. There are plenty of other options that are both safe and stylish. In short, cypress trees are not known to be fatally poisonous to cats. They were introduced to California in the mid-19th century. If a cat ingests even a small amount of this oil, it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Monterey cypress trees differ in appearance, according to Leafy Place, but the aromatic scent and the flexible soil conditions remain.

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is lemon cypress toxic to cats

is lemon cypress toxic to cats